If you are copying a folder, the Copy-Item cmdlet always assumes you want to create the folder in the destination. Let’s say you wanted to copy the “trek” folder from a server, to your local device. You might run a command like this:
copy-item -Path \\myserver\star\trek -Destination C:\temp\star\trek -force -recurse
If there is no folder C:\temp\star\trek, it will create the folder for you, and the directory structure will be fine. However, if there is already a folder C:\temp\star\trek, you will end up with a folder c:\temp\star\trek\trek. This is the script I use to make sure I get consistent results.
$Dest = "C:\temp\star\trek"
$Parent = "C:\temp\star"
$Source = "\\myserver\star\trek"
IF (!(Test-Path $Dest)) {
New-Item -Path $Dest -ItemType Directory
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $Source -Destination $Parent
} Else {
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $Source -Destination $Parent
Perhaps you have something better? Let me know below!